“a perfect marriage is two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.”
MARRIAGE IS WORK. I remember hearing this statement a lot when my husband and I were engaged. To no avail every time someone would utter this statement, I would either refute it in my head or mumble under my breath “not for me”. I thought…hey, “that’s your opinion, you don’t know what you’re talking about, my marriage will be easy-breezy”. Ahhhh, Tuh! NOT! Marriage is work…honey! Now of course it’s all relative, because you have two individuals with two different upbringings, backgrounds, ways of life, views, and not to mention different personalities that are ever changing, who’s decided to choose each other. These two individuals made a decision to come together publicly and become one in covenant before God as they tackle this thing called life together as long as it’s given. As life goes, the challenges arises, and these challenges will challenge you in your marriage. Working hard to maintain a healthy safe marriage isn’t necessarily a bad thing at all. In fact, it’s beautiful and opportunistic. It provides the means of putting in the work to get the results you want within your marriage. It requires sacrifices, selflessness, and knowing when to bite the brittle in order to maintain and protect your marriage.
As we (Marc and I) approach our second year of marriage, I’m learning a great deal on how to help my husband as he lead and keep our marriage in the path we desire for it to go. Admittedly at times it can be a challenge. That path we desire requires work and being consistently intentional. It means giving yourself away when you don’t want to. It means loving when you don’t feel like it. It means being patient when you’ve run out of it. It means, keeping our eyes on the goal when you’ve become weary. It means carrying the burden for the other or vice versa when your back is already loaded with life’s trouble. However….even in that, the ultimate goal among so many others is come to a place of togetherness and oneness.
For those that are desiring marriage, understand that it is the most beautiful thing in the world, but the most challenging. The world either hates it or love it! Some have even adopted this idea or notion that your life is completely over when you get married. Absolutely not! I’d beg the differ and say your life enhances for the better in different ways you could’ve never imagined. Being married will stretch you out of your comfort zone and even reveal your true self and sometimes that true self isn’t pretty at all. If marriage is something you desire…great! However are you ready to lay down your life for your spouse? Are you ready to be humbled? Are you ready to change and grow? Are you willing to sacrifice? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to have the marriage of your desire?
Year two and many more to go! Much more to learn. More room for improvements. More opportunities to show the world the true meaning of marriage and most importantly, a time for growth and becoming a better person for me as well as my husband.
Happy Anniversary!