Happy Holidays! I know we are excited as much as I am. I also know many you have plans to travel in a few weeks. If you are traveling for the holidays, here are few takeaways from my own experiences I’d like to share. First, I can tell you traveling during the holidays can be a bit of a nuisance sometimes. I can’t stand the overly crowded airports, unnecessary long lines, the high chances of a delayed flight, and oh’ I can’t forget that infamous de-robing process at security check point that will leave you feeling really agitated with everyone. Aside from that, I enjoy to airport life! Okay, who am I fooling. Anyhow, like many, I actually do enjoy the thrills of traveling but absolutely hate the process it requires to get from the car to the actual seat on the plane. And, it’s no different during the holidays. In fact, it seems even worse. From all my days of traveling, I’ve learned to just make the process much easier by implementing some simple key things. So before you head out of town this Christmas, go ahead and check out some key points to make your travels fun, safe, and most importantly a smooth one.


If you’re like me, every single penny counts! No, I’m not frugal. I’d like to consider myself to be a bargain shopper. Hey, I’m always in search of a bargain. Bargaining for tickets requires spending time on research. This helps you find all the great deals in your price range. That’s why booking a flight in advance gives you the needed time to do the research. Often times people are so misinformed about the process of purchasing a flight ticket that ultimately that misinformation can lead to paying ridiculous amounts of money, when it could have been avoided altogether. The good news is, it isn’t too late. Purchasing a flight months in advance allows you to get a better price for your seat. Last minute tickets can sometimes lead to high unnecessary prices. I once read somewhere that it is best to purchase your flight 47 days out prior to traveling. I’ve also heard that Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays are the best days to purchase tickets online at a discounted rate. Also, if you’re absolutely on the mission of avoiding these miscellaneous fees that are attached to purchasing an online ticket, you can always go the old-school route and make your way straight to the airport and purchase your ticket in person. In doing that, it cuts out the middle-man and all the fees attached to it. Now that is worth a drive…adding some extra change in your pocket is not bad at all.


” I almost missed my flight!” Are you that type of person? The congesting at the airport can be annoying. What can I say, it is one busy place. Congesting means overcrowded airports and the likelihood of long checkpoint lines. Often times, when traveling during peak hours, you are cutting it really close to not getting your butt on that plane. Missing your flight isn’t fun at all, especially when it was your own fault. The best way to avoid the large crowds during holiday traveling is to book your flight during off-peak hours. Evening, red-eye flights, early 5am mornings, or those awkward weekday flights are the best times to fly. These are the hours where you’ll find less traffic and a smooth traveling experience.


The not-so-fun part of flying out of an airport is how unpredictable it can be. You just never know what will happen. Delays, missing captain (true story), irate passengers, and last minute terminal changes are what I’ve experienced. I remember one time flying out and boarding at what I thought was my terminal, when the flight agent announced “last call to Phoenix, last call!” Wait a minute… Arizona! Huh, I was going to Miami. When did the terminal change? Well, come to find out, the whole time I sat there waiting and playing on my phone my terminal had changed literally 10 minutes before the doors closed. And we all know what happens when the doors closed! I started running towards my correct terminal like my life depended on it. Thankfully I made it on. Fact is, last minute changes on flights are common. Mayhems are also common. Other unpredictable things are common. A word of caution, just plan for whatever.


Very simple, don’t over pack. You will be charged! Personally, I’m not a light packer at all. I feel like I have to take every single thing with me. Even that thing I never really use, but somehow I convince myself that I need it. Yeah, that’s me. However, over the years I have learned to just pack lightly. I take the things I really, really, need. Same goes for you! Choose wisely the pieces you need and be sure to pack the necessities to avoid the fees of being charged for an overweight luggage. The costs for overages varies from airline to airline. I do know that the limit for checking in bags is  typically 50lbs. But, on some commercial flights like SpiritAir and Frontier, they’ll only allow checked-in bags to be 40lbs or less. Anything else over will incur a surcharge. Also, be mindful that some airlines will charge customers for carry-on luggages too. So before you book a flight be sure to always check the baggage regulations for the airline you choose to fly with and pack wisely!


Dear customers (including me), please be nice! Remember the flight attendants, customer service Reps, and the folks working at the kiosk have absolutely no control over the weather and unforeseen events that caused your flight to be delayed. I know, I know…you’re angry and upset. I get it! It’s still no excuse to be disrespectful. Please understand that traveling can be a hectic experience already, but think about the people behind the scenes that are working diligently to get you to your destination. It can be chaotic! It takes an entire team of people to get you from point A to Point B. Many of them you’ll never know. Being kind goes a long way. Yelling, screaming, or berating the Reps can actually cause more problems than solve it. Trust me, I know! The frustrations are real on both sides. Imagine dealing with a customer like you for an 8 hour shift. Not fun! My point is, it’s easy to take that anger out on them. It’s easy to feel entitled despite all the other people that missed their flight just like you. It’s easy for them to be your punching bag. But remember, they are people too! It’s not worth getting kicked out of line, embarrassed because security is now involved, or even worse you getting kicked out the airport because of your big mouth. Be kind, it goes a very long way.

At the end of the day it’s in your control in making your traveling experience a little bit easier by preparing. So, if you’re traveling for the holidays this year remember to plan and try to make the best of it despite what may or may not happen. Please stay safe, have fun, and happy holidays to you and yours.



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