I spent a weekend in Washington, D.C. this past October. Although I’ve been there several times before this was my first time visiting during Autumn and my first time seeing D.C. the way it should be seen. Don’t get me wrong I did all the touristy stuff and found it to be cliché. I wanted to experience D.C. in a different. I wanted to stop at the local mom & pop shop. Stop at the local restaurants. Visit different venues I’ve not seen before. Fortunate for me, I had my own personal tour guide…my husband! After living there for a year he know the ins and outs and the spots to check out.  Here are some fun facts and some takeaways from my experience.

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-Although D.C. is the capital of the United States, it wasn’t initially. Pennsylvania was the first capital of the U.S. and then 8 different cities would hold that title until it was finally moved to Washington, D.C. in 1790. 

-In 2011, Washington D.C., experienced an earthquake that actually caused cosmetic damages to a few of the popular monuments. 

-The Martine Luther King monument located in Washington D.C., was actually made in China…surprisingly. 

-All the museums in D.C., for the exception of a few are FREE 99! 


-Went to the local restaurants. There’s a nice wing joint where young professionals hang out after work. The have the best wings ever! Unfortunately I can’t remember the name. 

-Went thrifting in Georgetown. AMAZING! 

-Visited the Abraham Lincoln monument. (That was the one monument I never saw in all my visits)

-Stopped at the Park where there were millions of fallen leaves. It was beautiful.

-Went to the museum. 

-Visited Alexandria, Virginia and stopped in Maryland for a brief moment. 

-Site seeing


  • November 18, 2015


    I think we were ther around the same time.

  • November 18, 2015


    Oh wow…Really? that’s great! I love D.C. in the fall.

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