One of the things I can appreciate about New York city, is the rawness that comes from it. The people are real hardworking individuals living life. Of all the places I’ve traveled to, I can say I’ve met some amazing and interesting people out of New York city. There’s an authenticity about that place. What you see on TV. is exactly what you get minus the touristy feel to it. I remember the first time I traveled to New York. Me, my roommate/friends decided to take a trip for our college spring break. This was a year or two after the 9/11 tragedy. We were extremely excited and couldn’t wait to arrive. I can remember when we finally arrived at LaGuardia airport, we saw armed police officers and troops patrolling the subways and street corners as they paced back and forth. I also remember vividly seeing the mangled metal from where the Twin Towers once stood and the surrounding sub-buildings that were burnt charred from the fire when the towers collapsed. It was a feeling I’ll never forget. It’s still fresh in my memory. Despite the obvious grief of that time and moment, my friends and I still managed to make the best of our very first trip to New York city. We had a great time and some crazy adventures. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to travel back to New York at least 7 more times over the years. Each time I’d return back, I would experience something completely new. New York by far is one of my favorite places to visit. Believe it or not, there’s so much to do and see. It is a place that is unique on its own. I absolutely recommend visiting. If you’re planning on traveling to the big apple soon, be sure to check out the things to know and my experiences.

*This based on my experience and not a representation of the city. Enjoy!*


-Airfare tickets are reasonable

-You can travel either through LaGuardia or JFK (FYI, LaGaurdia is the worst airport I’ve traveled to and from…LIKE THE WORST!!!)

-New York is fast paced.

-Know where you’re going!

-Don’t drive. The best way to get around will be Taxi, Subways, or just walking.

-Be prepared to see lots of people, especially in Time Square.

-Watch out for pocket pickers/ thieves…I know because it happened to my friends.

-Don’t expect everyone to be friendly. For the most part some New Yorkers are friendly, however a majority of New Yorkers aren’t.

-Depending on when you travel, be sure to pack warm clothing. It gets really cold in New York.


I’ve been to New York several times. These are all my experiences from all of my visits.

-Saw two Broadway plays. Lion King and Color Purple.

-Experienced the Ball Drop on New Years Eve. If you decide to view the ball drop, be prepared to leave at least 8 hours before to get a good spot in Time Square and be ready to camp out in the freezing cold.

-Went to club 40/40 (owned/founded by Jay Z) I must say, it was overrated.

-Ran into several celebs there and to my surprise no one seemed to care. I guess they’re used to it.

-Yes, there’s always a random person performing on the subways. There’s a lot of unsigned talented people out there in New York.

-Took a trolley to the Liberty Island where the statue of liberty is placed.

-Went inside the Empire State building.

-Traveled through the famous Grand Central Station

-Stayed at three of the five boroughs in New York (Brooklyn is my favorite spot)

-Ate a lot of food.

-Walked through Central Park

-Visited Rockefeller Center (viewed the ice skaters and giant Christmas tree.)

-Drove on the Brooklyn Bridge

-Walked to Wall street (Only viewed from outside of the building)

-Saw the Madison Square Gardens

-Stopped at the famous Macy’s

-Did some shopping near SoHo and also Canal street (Little China)

-Ate some delish Italian foods in little Italy

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