Montréal is a beautiful place. I traveled there once while in college with a group of friends. The many things that stood out to me was the gorgeous and vast mountains, the wildlife, architecture of the buildings, the french-speaking locals, and of course the friendliness of the people there. In every place, we discovered really cool spots to dine at and retro little nooks throughout the city. On top of that, the food was amazing along with the entertainment; Which by-the-way was much more different from what I’m used to in America. Montréal is such a lovely place to visit. If you’re ever interested with getting away to relax, pack your bags and consider Montréal.


-You do need your passport or a form of identification when entering Canada, otherwise have fun dealing with customs.

-Montréal is a city in Quebec, Canada. Kind of like saying Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (Many get confused with that, so I needed to explain it.)

-U.S. dollars are accepted in some places in Montréal. However to be on the safe side, you should exchange your dollars to Canadian currencies just in case.

-Canadian taxes are SUPER HIGH!!! (Don’t quote me on this one) but I think the sales taxes may be around 14%, due to the two separate taxes that are charged.

-The best way to get around the city would be the train.

-It’s best to travel during the summer times. It can get pretty cold up there and the snow accumulates at a rapid pace. So if you’re not a fan of the cold weather, traveling during the summers will be the best thing.

-As always, take safety precautions. Although I felt completely safe in Montréal, you can never be too sure. Be sure to travel with a group, know where you’re going, and know where you are. Safety first!

-Make sure to stop at the museums! Please check them out when you get a chance.

-Lastly, there’s so many things to see and visit while in Montréal. Be sure to maximize your sightseeing time.


-I walked a mountain trail…it was incredibly awesome! I saw so many wildlife out there. This is where I actually experienced the foul smell of a skunk for the first time. (No, I didn’t need to take a tomato bath, because I wasn’t sprayed by the skunk…in case you were thinking of asking.)

-Authentic Canadian Bacon is ‘oh-so-good’!

-Stumbled into an international/cultural parade. People from all countries living there celebrated and marched through the streets wearing their Country’s garments. It was a beautiful site to see.

-The train rides are always interesting. You will indeed meet some characters on the train.

-We got the opportunity shop!!! Window shop that is…Unfortunately the way my bank account was set up…hey…I already explained the high sales taxes earlier, so shopping wasn’t an option. I did however get a few souvenirs.

-We enjoyed the music, arts, and the people.

-I also went sightseeing at night. The experience was much more different. I would also encourage you to do so as well.

-Lastly, I just had an amazing time overall.

Montréal, Quebec is such a nice place to visit. It’s not you’re typical destination, but it does offer some great scenery and local attractions. Traveling isn’t always about just hitting the clubs or hot spots. Traveling means going to a new place and finding the beauty and treasures in it. Until next time…


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