Today’s photoshoot was quite a story to tell. It started off as it typically would. We prepped everything and headed out to start our day. Our initial location was at this usual spot we’ve used in previous photoshoots. We thought it’d be best to shoot our photos there. However at the last minute my husband-photographer decided to switch locations and told me he had something else in mind. I was fine with it because I trusted my husband’s vision for my photos. But, as we approached the destination, all I could see was an old torn-down, raggedy, trashed, abandoned building. It was pretty bad! I didn’t understand why my husband took me here and I surely didn’t know what to think but I went along with it. At this point I could not see the vision! Then, I finally broke and started going on and on about how horrible this place was for a photoshoot. The first 10 minutes consisted of us going back and forth about it. “Why this ugly spot?” I kept asking. As he was tuning the camera to find the perfect lighting. He snapped about three photos of me standing there, and then he says to me, “This building is the first movie theatre I went to as a child after arriving to America.” Ouch”, I put my foot in my mouth again. I felt horrible for making all the bad statements. This building was significant to my husband in ways that I could never understand. All I could see was a torn down deserted broken building while he saw something completely different. It was at this moment I had another one of my Ah-ha moments, as Oprah would say. That abandoned movie theatre made me think of how sometimes we can devalue others the same way. We tend to dismiss people because of what is perceived to be broken, used-up, and torn from the outside, when there’s so much significance within that person. People are often judged by what’s presented before them. It is that same judgment that can stop us from seeing a person as God sees them; beautiful and filled with purpose. If we dig a little deeper to take the time to know and understand someone, we’ll see the treasure of who they are. What I perceived to be an old building turned out to be a significant memory that my husband will forever have. The same should go for every person we encounter. Learn to see the best in people even when they present what seems to be ugly to you on the outside.



Black Faux Fur Coat: ZARA (similar)

Denim Overalls: H&M (Similar)

Lace Rossette Patterned Crop Top: H&M (similar)

Open Toe Booties: Nordstrom 


French Beret: Purchased in France (Similar)

Mamba Medium Clutch: Sozo United


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  • February 1, 2016


    Great message and it helps that The pictures turned out AMAZING! :winks:

  • February 13, 2016


    Thanks Cara 😘

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