“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.” -Proverbs 31:25. 

I want to start by saying Happy Women’s Month to all my amazing women all over the World. Thank God for Us! We are amazing. We are powerful. We are dreamers. We are certainly believers!

I wanted to kick off our women’s month with an event I recently attended involving a room filled with beautiful spirits. I must say it is always a privilege to be apart of an empowering movement of strong goal-chasing women. And let me tell you, last Sunday my soul was so blessed because I got to witness something quite amazing called a Table of Believers. What started off as a vision to unite women from all aspects of life for the sole purpose of women empowerment blossomed into a day filled with laughter, tears, and encouragement.

“She Believed She Could, So She Did.” 

When I first spoke with Nisha Glenn the founder of Table of Believers, I could sense how strong her passion for woman empowerment was. There was so much faith in her vision that I was truly inspired just by our brief phone conversation. I could literally feel how Nisha was motivated to see her vision come into full fruition. An idea that started back in November was finally birthed three months later. How amazing is that? What’s even better, she spear-headed the Table of Believers event at two other locations in two separate states at the same time. Talk about making things happens! Nisha’s heart to bring women together at a round table for discussion about purpose, self-worth, and pursuing dreams was not only timely, it was necessary.

“The Round Tables”

The venue for Tables of Believers was none other than the oh-so-intimate restaurant, Brio Tuscan Grille in Atlanta. It was such a perfect choice because it provided the ambiance of a chic and beautifully decorated space for the event. The placed was filled with delicate floral arrangements as centerpieces and an array of pink, black, and white colors to bring the entire look together. Nisha the founder of Table of Believers, opened the floor by sharing her background story of what inspired her to even start the Tables of Believers movement to begin with. Shortly after that, each woman was asked to draw a card with a special word written on it. We were then asked to take turns and to share our word as a  declaration. One by one, each woman made their declaration public. (My word was love. I shared that I plan to fight to love people that are deemed unlovable.) As the day continued on, there were various game activities, discussions within the groups, networking, delicious foods, lots of pictures, and even meditation exercises. It was such a great time of meeting-and-greeting like minded women.

“Story Of Triumph”

As the Tables of Believers drew to an end, the most memorable moment for me was the guest speaker Tiffany Smith. What an amazing woman she is! She shared her triumphant testimony of survival and  successes. Tiffany’s story was very inspiring and yet challenging for me. She’s fought for her place in society without making excuses and has demonstrated what it truly means to be a resilient strong woman today. I was extremely touched because of the immense amount of strength she exhibits for pursuing things in life that seemed impossible. Her story is the true definition of what perseverance really means.

“My Take-Aways”

My time with the Table of Believers was definitely a memorable one. I was greatly touched and proud of Nisha and what she’s accomplished. I was also thankful to have met some amazing women. I shed a few tears, felt the love and support amongst each other. I was truly honored to have been surrounded by these strong, educated, successful black women from all walks of life. I find such peace knowing that we still exist and can pass on the torch to other women. It’s unfortunate that the portrayal of black women in media or social outlets today have been reduced to deplorable-like behaviors, leaving young women with little to no source of inspiration or role models to look up. However, after my time with the ladies of the Table of Believers, I am convinced that there is hope for women. I believe that this will go far and grow even bigger over time. I am grateful to have been amongst these women that are movers and shakers of this world and have a story to tell. At the end of it all, I walked away as a believer.

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