Doesn’t it feel like this year just started? Well, as it is said, “this year has flown by”,  and boy did it! Like many you’re probably anticipating for it to be over. I know what you mean! 2015 definitely brought some highs and lows for many. With about 4 months left in the year, I felt the need to encourage and remind you that it is not too late to make the best of what’s left of this year. It’s definitely not too late to pursue your goals and/or dreams as well. It’s not over!

Cheers!!! 5…4…3…2…1…HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Que in the fireworks, the glittery confetti, the noise makers and we can’t forget the New Year’s song that no one seems to ever know the words to, Auld Lang Syne. After the countdown, comes the New Year’s kiss or perhaps hugs. Shortly came the instant feeling of anticipation for what the New Year may possibly bring for you. Excitement is spread all over and you can tell by the massive text messages hitting your phone per second or by even the thousands of postings circulating social media, hashtag New Year! You feel hopeful for your new beginnings. Thank God for new beginnings! That rush of leaving the old year behind and embracing the new is followed by all of these self-proclaimed inspirational quotes and lists of goals to be attained. That sense of hope for change that can only be brought by your own efforts is very convincing…even to others. You’re amped up and ready for the New Year. Nothing can rob you of this feeling you’re in. You’re in a euphoric moment…a high! Unfortunately, to your dismay, a month or two passes by, and already life has begun. Reality slaps you in the face. You are realizing that there are a few obstacles in your way. These obstacles seem more of a headache than motivation. It seems to interrupt you from attaining your goals, therefore you’ve become discouraged and just push your dream to the side. What began as a fresh start has now turned into typical life situations that tends to take center stage. Unforeseen events like debt, drama, health, money problems…and the like came and knocked you off your tracks. Now, with 4 months left in the year, you’ve reasoned and questioned by saying “what’s the point”… should you even go after it since the year is almost over? The answer to that is YES! Yes, you should continue on this track. Yes, you should be motivated to pursue your goals and dreams. Yes, it is possible if you work hard at it. When life comes at you, inevitably it is difficult to stay focus on what you’ve set your heart on. However, it doesn’t have to be the cause of you not moving forward in your dreams. Like you, I’ve had some bumps in the road this year. Many of which deterred me moving forward. The good news is, if you’re in a rut and need some encouragement to go in attaining your goals I have a few ways for dealing with that. Here are a few principles I live by to help push me along the track. I hope you find them helpful.


It may be long term or short term, whatever it is, writing out your goals allows you to visually see them in plain sight. It is a source of reference for you. The more you see it the more motivated you become. When writing out your goals be sure to set reasonable goals according to your standards or limits. Don’t set goals for yourself that will short change you and don’t overextend yourself to the point where it has become impossible for you to meet your own goals. Be realistic with yourself. Write out your dreams and goals. Make them visible. “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets…” Habakkuk 2:2


Creating a vision collage or vision board is another example of making your goals and dreams visible. It’s your source of motivation. It allows you to clearly see your vision through vivid pictures, colors, and illustrations. When you are able to attach a visual picture to your goals, it makes it personal and all the more real for you. Creating a vision board is really simple and easy. All you’ll need is poster board, glue sticks, scissors, and a couple of old magazines, newspaper articles, and/or any old books that you have no use for and begin cutting away. Start to search for pictures and words that describes where you want to be as it pertain to your goals. Glue each one on your poster board until it is completely finished. Once you’re done, be sure to have it somewhere that’s visible to you. Again, when you can visibly see your vision, it can motivate you to move forward.  Here’s an example of a few Vision Boards. 


A prayer life is a good life! We pray over our food, we pray at church, we even pray at functions…so why not pray over your visions? Praying allows you to completely relinquish your ability to control everything and gives God the chance to direct you in attaining your goals. Most of the times the way we try to go about obtaining our goals can be completely off track. Praying allows you to be able to know which ways to go and which ways to avoid. It also teaches you to take your goals and visions seriously and brings forth humility and gratitude in your life. You have to believe in the power of prayer and allow God to direct your paths. “To you O Lord, I offer my prayer; in you, my God, I trust.” -Psalm 25: 1-2


“This is where the rubber meets the road!” One of the biggest mistakes most people tend to make when it comes to meeting their goals is never walking it out. Many times we become paralyzed and stuck with an idea that we never actually move forward with it. What good would it be to have all these ideas and dreams, yet it’s buried inside of you never to be seen? There’s not much you can do with that. Walking it out will be uncomfortable. It will be a challenge. It’s not going to be easy at times, but the reward of seeing your vision come into life is all worth faith without works is dead also. -James 2: 26

In a nutshell, with 4 months left in this year it is never too late to go after your goals, dreams, or visions and it’s not too late to start them either. Write out your goals, make them visible, pray over it, and walk it out. Remember, to move forward and focus on the time you do have left. Stay on track and don’t lose hope and faith.





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