I have a love-hate relationship with Spring. How can you hate Spring you ask? Well, let me rephrase that one, I don’t necessarily hate Spring per-say, I hate the seasonal allergies and the pollen that accompanies Spring. You know the yellow-like snow falling from the sky, it’s peculiar yet can cause uncountable sneezing, nasal drips, watery eyes, and my favorite of all…the constant migraine that feels like someone is pounding your head. Okay, okay, I know it’s a bit much reading this. I don’t think you understand! Nonetheless, on the same notion, I absolutely love Spring! The idea of Spring means new beginnings, new things sprouting up, growth spurts, heck springing forward into a new time change is exciting, and not to mention the weather letting up. For my look, I wanted to match the Springy flowers.






















































OUTFIT DETAILS: Floral Pant Suit: @shopnicholelynel, Shoes: Christian Louboutin, Bag: Louis Vuitton 


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