It’s befitting that I write about this. There’s been so many recent suicides and I can’t help but wonder why and how is this happening so frequently. What’s even troublesome for me is knowing that many of the victims are young adults. With every story or headline I read, the furthermore I feel deeply saddened for the ones that are suffering in silence. After reading about the most recent one two weeks ago, I just prayed out to God to comfort people all over the World that are dealing with thoughts of suicide. There’s a desperate need for prayer and comfort for them all. To question and ask about the “why’s” may seem a bit redundant. The true question should be, “How may I help you deal with this?”. Even with that, I’m still left with asking myself “why didn’t they get help”? Perhaps they did, and no one came to their aid; Or maybe after reaching out to someone they were ignored or not taken seriously…who knows! What I do know is, something has to happen for it to stop.

I recently read about a high profile celebrity’s girlfriend that decided to end her life because she just couldn’t cope with her break-up. I felt so sorry for her and what happened. I even felt sorry for the ex-boyfriend that may carry the guilt of thinking that he may have caused this. As I read more into the story, I learned that this young lady was dealing with something much more deeper than just a break-up. In fact, her story along with all of the other stories seemed to have a commonality…a root…a culprit called DEPRESSION. In some way or fashion many have experienced forms of depression. I personally can remember times when I felt moments of sadness before. When I did, it was often attributed to a major disappointment, financial troubles, or the death of a loved one. Even in that, I would bounce back from it because of my faith. But, I’ve come to understand that others deal with their problems and hurts much more differently than I do. Some resort to drug use, alcoholism, promiscuity, or suicidal thoughts. I also know that there are many other factors that are connected to why people suffer with this and succumb to ending their lives. Either way, it’s still an unfortunate situation.

While I’m NO professional or doctor, from what I’ve studied on my own, It is said that depression is this feeling of constant or long periods of sadness due to an event, a chemical imbalance, spiritual battles, unhappiness, or even the feeling of constant despair. That in itself is overwhelming! It sucks to know that people are dealing with this and feel hopelessness or feel as if they can’t find a way out! However, I want to encourage anyone reading this that may be suffering with depression or even entertaining thoughts of suicide. There is hope! You didn’t stumble of this page by accident. This is not a coincidence! This is God stretching out his hands to hold you and wipe away your tears and tell you that He loves you. You are not alone! Understand that you are worth it. You are wanted. You are needed! You are loved. Your circumstances is for a period of time. There’s hope in every situation. You are to live and not die. There is hope for you!







My prayer… 

“Dear Lord, I pray for those dealing with despair, hopelessness, and wanting to end their life. God may you blanket them with your peace. May you comfort them in moments of great sadness. Hold them close to you and speak gently into their hearts. Please give them joy and hope again. Remind them that they are here for a purpose and they are greatly loved by others and most importantly loved by you. Heal them from the hurts they are experiencing. May your presence be with them always in Jesus name.”

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