Self-confidence today seems to be synonymous with either being narcisstic, overly confident, arrogant, or cocky. Well, I say having self-confidence can be a good thing. We are taught at an early age to love and embrace others but often times the lessons of self-love is neglected. Learning to love ourselves is just as important as well.

Today I learned a valuable lesson about my own self-confidence. As transparent as I can be, I found myself knit-picking silly little minute details about me and what I perceived to be a flaw. I even tried to convince myself that it’s okay because after all…we all do it right?

Then, I decided to change that. The truth is, I can be my worst enemy. As a blogger I’m very meticulous about how I want my photos to look. I spend time going through each picture just to find the perfect one, as if there’s such a thing. Many times, it’s a hit or miss for me. Today, was one of those missed days!  I found myself just doing-the-most! Eventually, I had to stop, reflect, and just exercise my own self-confidence and say “the heck with it”…I’m perfectly imperfect! My confidence shouldn’t be based on what I deem as a negative thing.

I believe that having self-confidence isn’t something bad or negative at all. My Chic friends, the next time you feel the need to put yourself down, I challenge you to have increase your dosage of confidence. Activate it, walk in it, and embrace as you share that with others.



Marc B.


Camel Coat: Asos

Leather Black Dress: Saks 5th Ave

Booties: Shoe Dazzle

Clutch: Nordstrom 

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