I’m talking about the type of sleep where you wake up and you don’t know where you are, or that type of sleep that will have you feeling so refreshed that you question the time of day and even if you’ve missed work. Trust me, I’ve had that type of sleep before! Here’s the thing, our bodies need rest! The type of rest that isn’t just limited to sleeping, but rather sleep that leads to the rest of your body, mind, and soul. The culture says that sleeping is for the dead, because you need to collect your coins and hustle around the clock while you’re still alive, and while I understand that concept, it still doesn’t mean neglect your sleep, and to that, I say I don’t agree! On the contrary, our bodies need plenty of rest to recharge, refresh, rejuvenate, restore, and replenish.
When was the last time you gave your body rest?
God created our bodies in such an intricate way that it has the ability to signal to us when we’re pushing too hard and need to chill. When you’re not doing right by your body, it will let you know. Our bodies require lots of rest. We need at least 6-8 hours of sleep each day, and these days trying to get specific hours of sleep poses a challenge for many people due to schedules, having a new-born, diet, and even sleeping disorders. However, I urge you to make time to rest your body. First, definitely seek a doctor if you are having trouble sleeping. Find an exercise regimen that specifically caters to your body and also drink plenty of healthy fluids to assist with creating a good sleeping pattern. Your body needs it!
When was the last time you rested your mind?
The mind…oh the mind! The mind is like a computer, even when it seemingly is off, it isn’t. The mind is constantly running. One idea leads to another, one song leads to trails of thoughts stored in your memory bank. It’s a constant continuous machine running non-stop. The moment you lay your head on a pillow, it begins…one thought to another, and before you know it, it’s time to wake up and start your day. One thing for sure, our minds most definitely needs rest. Resting your mind can come in the form of shutting off any distractions like technology, TV, social media, and music. Resting your mind can also come in the form of meditating. You’d be surprised to know that our minds also has its own way to let you know when it’s tired and needs a break. Listen to it!
When was the last time you rested your soul?
You ever feel heavy-hearted and don’t know why? Or do you often feel like you need a good cry for no apparent reason? Well, my friends, that is your body telling you that you need to rest your soul. Yes, our souls need rest too. We spend our day soaking in so many emotions, feelings while storing it with along with all that other stuff already there. Resting your soul can come in the form of purging through crying, journaling your deep thoughts and pain, and talking it out with someone you trust. Rest is good for your soul!
So in all, taking care of our whole body means caring for the inner and outer parts. Find time for yourself. Make a schedule. Read a relaxing book, have a warm bubble bath just to relax, rest a little longer if you’re able to, do some deep breathing- inhaling peace and exhaling tensions and toxicity of life. When you take time to rest parts of your external and internal body, watch and see how refreshed and better you’ll begin to feel. So please friends, rest your body, mind, and soul.
Until next time…