Protect your peace at all cost!

I see this post a lot! I mean a whole lot! And I couldn’t agree more with that statement. Protect your peace at all cost!

What does it mean exactly? What does protecting your peace look like?

One of the biggest ways I’ve been very intentional about protecting my peace is guarding what I see and read on social media. For instance, things happen globally. Some of these things can be unfair, wrong, or even an outrage. When I find myself absorbing these things, because I’m constantly reading and diving deeper into the rabbit hole, I find myself grieving my spirit. I take on the emotions and then I’m exhausted spiritually and to some degree can’t sleep. I can’t speak for anyone else, but, I just can’t subject myself to that type of energy constantly. This is why I’ve come up with ways to protect my peace.

  1. Filter what you read.

I personally think it’s okay to stay up with current events. However, filter what you’re reading. Most of the things that are out there are solely for shock factor and ratings. There’s no need to subject your spirit to that level of energy. Read, process, and move forward from it.

2.  Set boundaries.

You know what you can and can’t handle. If some of the stuff on net or social media is too much to handle, then, don’t read it. Set boundaries for yourself. Don’t allow certain things you read or view to seep into your spirit.

3. Pray and meditation.

I have found that prayer has helped me a great deal with protecting my peace. Whenever I find myself absorbing to the point of it interrupting my peace, I pray to cover my thoughts and also center myself. Prayer is key.

Whatever you read or view, be sure to protect your peace.

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