Happy New Year!!!! Happy Sweet 2016!!!! I pray and hope your holiday was as good as mine, and if it wasn’t that’s okay because today is a new day for new beginnings. I’m pretty sure by now you’ve been bombarded with all of the the “New Me, New Year” tag lines all over social media. And to some degree I think that’s an amazing attitude to enter the New Year with. However what does that mean exactly? I know one things for sure, if your old self entered the New Year, then there’s a chance a New You will be a bit of a challenge to attain.

Now that 2016 is here, I wanted to do something a little different. Usually, by now I should’ve already designed my vision board. However, this year I opted out from creating one that I’ve grown accustomed to doing. Not that I’m all disgruntled about visions boards…I don’t even oppose making one. Personally, it seems like vision boards have become some sort of materialistic wish list of things we want by the end of the year as oppose to it being the focus of walking in purpose. There’s nothing wrong with greatly desiring things or even having a visual aid of where you’d like to be in the next few years. But c’mon, let’s be real…in many cases when vision boards are created, there’s always a huge piece of the puzzle missing…the PURPOSE piece. Yeah, it’s easy to cut out pictures and words of things we desire to have. Yes, I love to have a motivational visuals of me owning the latest car, and owning the biggest house, and I do want that. But how many of us actually focus on the things we KNOW that we are called to do?

Have you felt the urge to write a book? Are you dreaming of building that online business? Perhaps you’ve always wanted to start that non-profit, or even design that state-of-the-art (fill if the blank…) you’ve pictured in your head all these years. Maybe you have that constant unrelenting nudge that’s calling you to move to another State or Country for something better. Whatever it is or may be, understand that it’s purpose!

With all this talk about purpose, what does it mean exactly? What is purpose? Often times when someone hears that word, it seems to be ‘synonymous with some type of church lingo of some sort. However contrary to that, purpose is more. It simply says every single being and/or person is here for a reason. Yes! Everything and everyone has a purpose. I don’t care what you believe in or what you don’t… just know that EVERY SINGLE THING…including you, serves a greater purpose.

Here are a few questions to reflect on. Do you believe that you have purpose here on Earth? Do you know what your purpose is/or what they are? And are you walking in it? Here’s a known fact, purpose is simply described as the reason for which something is done or created for, or for which something exists. To exist is means you have a purpose to fulfill while you are still alive. Do you know why you are here? What is your purpose for you existing? What are your gifts? Fortunately, it’s not my job to tell you. Only you would know how to answer these very questions. Like many out there, you may not be sure. If that’s you, I really, really, encourage you to do a self inventory to take the time to understand who you are and most importantly consult God to show you what your purpose is.

For me, I’ve found that walking in purpose is doing the very thing that comes so naturally to me. Usually, it is that one thing you’d do despite the money. See, I have a great love for fashion, a strong desire to help people discover their greatness, and also the gift of teaching. It took me quite some years to even realize that I had gifts and talents that are aligned to me living in purpose. When I couldn’t hone in or figure it out, I found myself searching in all the wrong places. Then one day it just clicked. It made sense to me. I had my ah-ha moment and discovered what I was good at. Then, my next phases involved me making a conscience effort to walk towards that purpose. It hasn’t been the easiest, but it’s the most fulfilling and rewarding experience.

I must say, I’m ready to walk into my destiny. My hope is that you are ready to do the same. Stop stalling and making excuses. The New Year is here. Let’s make great efforts to not make it another year of wasted time or wasted talents. Rather, let’s make it a year of fulfilled promises and walking towards being a better you…A NEW YOU. 2016, the year of living on purpose. The year of being intentional in sharing your gifts and talents to the World. Choose to live a life of meaning and stop pursuing the meaningless things in this life. Strive to put others before you and serve humanity. Let’s not waste another moment. LIVE ON PURPOSE in the most intentional way!






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