“Handle your business without people knowing your business… -Anonymous

I couldn’t have said this any better! This indeed is something I’ve been quite acquainted with this year in the most uncomfortable way. Many people know me as someone who’s very private and for the most part I am and I have absolutely no apologies about it! I have learned the hard way that blabbing all of my business in these streets for gossiping folks’ and their itching ears can be a dangerous thing.

Outside of my husband or inner-inner circle, I tend to keep my personal business and moves to myself, unless it’s absolutely necessary to share it with the world, which, in many cases has never been an option (…and let me ease your curious minds…NO! I don’t have any important news to reveal! This was another one of my aha moments I wanted to share with you all). However, I’ll say this, with so many things heading my way, I’ve had to take heed on timing and knowing when and whom to share these important news with. Believe me, I get it! When you receive exciting news, or have plans to move forward with something, you naturally want to share it. But, understand that sharing important or personal information prematurely should always come with some sort of wisdom and discernment!

Is it really that deep? Uhh, yeah it can be! I mean let’s be honest, with the most purest intentions on our part, when we broadcast our business via social media, with our associates, friends, family members, or even the wrong person, understand it can possibly come with some unexpected repercussions like unwanted opinions, doubts, hate, and a slew of other things. It’s not always the case, but it happens more often than you think.

For one, when you share some exciting news, ideas you may have, or a major decision you’ve made, be ready for the unsolicited opinions. These opinions can potentially open the floodgates of doubt in your mind. When we share too soon or too much, third-party opinions will send you in a whirlwind of confusion and doubt. Unfortunately it can be very stressful. People will offer their unwanted thoughts and at times they truly mean well. However with so many opinions of ‘how-to’s’ or ‘you-should’ve-done-it-this-way’ being thrown out there, it can become very confusing and frustrating. This type of frustration often leads to discouragement which eventually leads to walking away or delaying your plans altogether.


Another reason why you should tread lightly when it comes to sharing your business with others, is the potential dealings with jealous, insecure, or hateful people. Can someone you know really be unhappy for you? Yes, yes, and yes. I’ve seen it happen too many times. Should you even care if someone feels some type of way about all of your successes and blessings? Not necessarily, but, it can come with a world of headaches when you’re trying to make your moves and someone in your camp wants to rain on your parade. While you can’t control how people may respond to your exciting news and happenings, you can definitely control what and who you share it with. Spare yourself the unnecessary drama by not saying anything at all. Some people really struggle with being genuinely happy for others, especially when they feel like it should be THEM and not YOU receiving all the blessings.


Lastly, avoiding the gossip is another reason why you should be careful with sharing your personal stuff. Some people struggle with gossiping and you know who they are. We’ve either been gossiped about or have been the gossiper ourselves, so you know how it can be harmful. Spreading someone’s ‘tea’ is wrong. Plain and simple…if you don’t want your stuff out there, watch who you tell it to!

“Quit putting all of your business out in these streets! Some things are better left unsaid.”

“Ultimately my message is quite clear. Keep your stuff between you and God. Know when to share and know when to keep quiet. In doing so, it helps you to continue on the coarse you’re on. Stress free. Drama free. Distraction free. Always proceed with discretion and wisdom when you decide to share your life and your business with others. Some may or may not celebrate you. Some may or may not co-sign you. Some may offer horrible advice. Some may or may not gossip about you. Even if they do, don’t ever let that be a reason for you to stall, delay, or forfeit what you’ve been called to do. Move quietly and handle your business without people knowing your business.

-Fashion Yourself From The Inside Out

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