I’d like to preface this by saying, no I’m not a Beyoncé fan. No, this is not another post reviewing, promoting, or dissing her new album. No, I’m not a hater, therefore Beyhive “don’t come for me!” This post is just my my take-away from what I took from the title of the album after listening to Lemonade. Truthfully, the last time I actually listened to or owned any music with or featuring Beyoncé was when she was still apart of the revamped Destiny Child’s group. Yeah, yeah…I know, it’s been that long! Although I don’t listen to Beyoncé’s music and don’t care to, I however was among the millions of people that either heard or watched the release of her new album “Lemonade” trend all over Social Media outlets. After seeing the Facebook and Instagram posts, clever memes, and retweets from fans swearing by “Lemonade” to the point of coining it as the most empowering album ever. I had to see for myself what this “Lemonade” album was really talking about.

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Eventually I succumbed to my curiosity. In order to get what people were saying I needed to hear it myself. After listening to a couple of songs, I found myself skimming through and clicking the fast-forwarding button. At some point I stopped listening and ended up reading the lyrics to every track from the album. I was searching for the moments where she addresses the issues of black oppression, unfair treatment towards womanhood, or the myriad of injustices happening in America today. After going through the album I was convinced that the reviews was a bit of a stretch to me. I can only agree that the album was visually artistic and a bit unique for the lack of better words. Moreover, I personally think it was a great marketing ploy to brand “her” personal life’s story and adversities that she may have dealt with. Nonetheless, as I stated before, this post isn’t focused on critiquing the album“Lemonade”, although it is very, very tempting. With all fairness, I didn’t hear or see what others heard or saw from this album. However, I did take and learned a lot from the title “Lemonade” alone.


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Lemons to Lemonade! I’ve heard that saying before. Every time I visualize it I think of an old southern grandma who’s surrounded by her grandchildren as she tells them “Babies…when life gives you lemons, you make some lemonade.”

No one has ever explained what that saying meant or where it derives from. I guess I always knew what was being said especially when I found myself having to explain this modern day adage to my little cousins Syd and Jenna (whom both by the way are huge Beyoncé fans). What exactly is this message relaying? Whether or not you’re a Beyoncé fan or feel like its all relative, we can agree that we’ve ALL had to make some lemonade out of some lemony situations in our lives. We’ve all had moments of turning a sour circumstances into sweet results even when it seemed unbearable by the grace of God. We all face issues and problems from time-to-time. Many of which comes as a surprise while others you’ve braced yourself for. However it came about, you overcame it! You are still here, right? Somehow, you’ve managed to make lemonade out of your situation and that’s amazing.


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It’s all about perspective. Trust and believe life will throw you lemons! It’s inevitable! It’s apart of the human experience. It’s God’s way of pruning, shaping, and molding us into better beings. It’s something we have to go through to produce character and strengthen us. When problems arise in your life how will you face it? Will you eat sour lemons hoping that it will digest and come out the other end as something better when you know it won’t, or will you take these lemons and add your sugar-of-peace, water-of-tranquility, and squeezed lemons-of-life, stirring to create an outcome that can and will produce sweet victory? Lemons to lemonade is simply a statement of knowing how to turn a situation around. Knowing how to see the sweeter side of things. Having the ability to overcome situations and making the best of it.

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Remember, it’s all about perspective. Perhaps that’s been the message all along. While others spend time dissecting the album or waste time trying to figure out who “Becky with the good hair” may be. I know the message was definitely clear for me. As it goes, I may not be a Beyoncé fan or completely agree with the critics labeling the album as empowering, I however can definitely say that I completely understand how sometimes you have to turn your lemons into lemonade.




Tailored White Top: TJ MAXX 

Black Fitted Pants: h&m

Black Pumps by: Steve Madden


Fringe Purse: H&M

Shades: Aldo


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