Can’t believe that this decade is coming to an end. It’s amazing to think how my decade started and see where I am today. How I started this decade is definitely not how it ended (in a good way). I started the decade off literally in a spiritual battle for my life. I was in a rough place in my walk with God. I started the year off dealing with childhood traumas, deep seeded insecurities, fears, and generational curses. Here I was face-to-face battling these things and God was by my side and brought me through it. In a blink of an eye, things turned around for me in ways I never imagined. Shortly after, I found myself at a new church home, plugged in with new groups of friends, a new boyfriend, and a new job. I found freedom in the new things God brought forth in my life, and most importantly I found freedom in being Martine.


I married my boyfriend, made some life-long friends, traveled the world, started a blog,  rekindled my love for modeling and the performing arts, evolved spiritually, and did a number of things that I can’t even begin to list. More importantly, I faced a lot of fears, pushed through each one, and survived! How I started the decade was indeed a fight for my life, but as it comes to an end, I’m so elated to see how far I’ve come, how much has happened, and all the amazing people I’ve come to grow with over the years. I am so thankful and excited about what the next decades will bring.

One things for sure, God has so much more in store for me…and He does for you too! If God did these things for me, he can for you as well! Trust his plan! If this year or this decade wasn’t what you thought it’d be, please don’t fret friends, your time is coming. Trust when I say it can happen! I’m a living witness!


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