Has this ever happened to you? You’ve made plans to go out but have absolutely no idea what to wear? Despite the fact that there’s a plethora of clothing pieces for you to choose from, you instead just stand there staring into your closet uttering these five words…”I have nothing to wear!”…I knoooowww! Shamefully I have to admit, I’ve been guilty of doing this. Eventually, an hour passes by, and you have to leave really soon to arrive at a decent time, (and I use that word loosely, because you know how we are with punctuality women). So you end up grabbing whatever’s in sight and throw it on as you rush out the door. You didn’t look twice or give it a thought. You went with it. Right?

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Finally you arrive at your destination. You are greeted and overly complimented on your outfit. You politely respond by saying, “Oh this, I just threw this on”. The funny part is, no one has any idea that it took you a total of 5 minutes to make a decision after an hour of changing a thousand times, fussing and ripping your clothes off the hangers, and that little minor melodramatic episode you had.

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Yeah, I know I’m preaching to the crowd. But seriously, I have to say the BEST outfits are usually the ones that required  little to no thoughts at all. Why? It’s really simple. We tend to over think things and end up making it more then it should be. When there’s little pressure and no thought to it, you find that your natural creative side takes over. As a result, you just naturally put something together that works. That’s the beauty about fashion and style.

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Believe it to not, that was my story. I had something in mind to wear however it didn’t work out as I imagined it in my mind. So at the last minute I just threw this on and looked at myself in the mirror, headed out the door for my photoshoot this morning. It turned out to be an outfit I ABSOLUTELY adored. It took little effort and Voila! Sometimes, that’s all it takes. Here are the details of my last minute wardrobe change below.



Peacoat: H&M (Similar Look

Striped Patterned Shirt: ZARA (Sold Out: Similar Look

Cobalt Pleaded Tennis Skirt: H&M (Similar Look)

Over-The-Knee Open Toed Lace Ups: ASOS 


Color block Satchel: VINCE CUMUTO (Similar) (More

Watch (Sport Edition): APPLE WATCH 

Gold Bangle: H&M




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