Part of growing up can sometimes come with a stipulation of growing apart from people you were once close with. Often times there’s really no real explanation for it. Some people can’t go where you’re going. It’s as simple as that! However there are a few instances where some of these friendships can end in the most ugly way. Fights, disagreements, hurt, betrayal, even misunderstandings are reasons why people end up in these friendship break-ups.

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Can I be real with you Chic community? Friendship break-ups can be really sucky! Depending on the person or gender, it has the tendency to be an overly exhausting emotional roller-coaster ride to experience. I personally think it can be just as bad or maybe even worse than a break-up from a romantic type of relationship. I’m pretty sure many of you at some point have dealt with it or are probably dealing with it now.

Friendship break-ups can be really hard! I know this all too well because I’ve experienced it myself. Sure!…It was tough dealing with it and having to walk away. However, at the same time, it’s been a great experience too! Parting ways with people you thought would be your BFF’s forever can be a hard pill to swallow. But hey, it happens! People grow apart, lives change, some mature while others digress, commonalities fade away and so does the friendship. It’s not the end of the world. It’s reality!









A reality I’ve had to deal with before. From my own experience with breaking off friendships, I gained  so much. I had to lean on my faith. I’ve also had to extend forgiveness, and move forward. Even in that, I’ve been fortunate enough to see the brighter side to it all -which is, knowing that friendships are valuable and are definitely needed. Over time, I’ve learned what the true meaning of friendship is. Although I had to respectfully part ways with some people, I can also say that I’m extremely grateful for what it was when I had it, and I’m also thankful for those that have stuck around.

“Friendships are valuable.”

I know some of you are experiencing this situation now. I have a few takeaways I’d love to share with you in this process of understanding where you stand in your friendships. First, remove toxic people from your circle. Toxicity in friendships can be disastrous! You can’t expect to soar like an eagle if you are constantly surrounded by chickens that can’t even take flight. Surround yourself with people that are go-getters and movers. People that will challenge you to greater heights instead of pulling you down. “Don’t receive constructive criticism from someone who isn’t at all constructive, is a statement I once heard and strongly believe in. You should be inspired not discouraged. Remove that toxic friend immediately!

Secondly, some people aren’t meant to go the distance with you. Life has a funny way of naturally purging things out. You’ll find that when you’ve reached certain levels in your life, some people start dropping off like dead flies. It’s not that they’ve become dead to you. It simply means they weren’t meant to go further with you, and that’s OKAY. Sometimes people are in your life to fulfill a sole purpose and when that purpose is fulfilled, it’s done! If that’s the case, keep it moving and don’t hold on to it.









Lastly, you can love from afar. In some instances you’ll find that you have to love some people from a distance. Keeping a distance is what works best with certain individuals. It may be tough, but it is necessary. There’s no need to be hateful towards them or be painfully awkward. Continue to love them, be graceful, and mature in love while you keep it moving. If someone exhibits behaviors that isn’t beneficial for your life, remove yourself, chuck the deuces, and love them from afar! It’s hard to find true friendships now-a-days. If you have it then hold on to it, however if it’s time to let it go…then honey boo-boo LET IT GO!

Understand that not all friendships will end in break-up. Growing up doesn’t necessarily mean your circle of friends will drastically shift or change. In fact, some friendships may grow even stronger over time. I say that to say, regardless of where you are be thankful for every single person you’ve crossed paths with whether or not you’re still friends. Be thankful for the friendships that has stood the test of time, and be extremely grateful for the new friendships that will blossom in the future.

People come like a dime-a-dozen, but genuine friendship is a rare thing. Know what you have!




Off-The-Shoulders Top: h&m

Blue Denim Pants: Levis Jeans

Heeled Sandal by: Calvin Klein


Clutch: Old Navy (from 5 years ago)

Earrings: h&m

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