Hello my blessed and chic friends! Can you believe that October is coming to an end! It’s been quite a busy month. I attended so many celebrations, birthdays, and weddings. There’s been a lot going on…in a good way.  The past two weeks was very hectic. It’s been a long two-weeks of traveling and working for me. I’ve not had the chance to do an updated photoshoot to close out the month of October. Luckily, this past weekend I managed to squeeze one in. This particular photoshoot took place in Washington, D.C. It was so impromptu and unplanned. As we were driving through the city the foliage caught my attention and I had to take advantage of it. We found a location, grabbed our equipments, and started working. It wasn’t a planned shoot, so you’ll see how simple and basic it is. What I wore is what we worked with! And for those of you that are wondering…Yes, it was a cold day! I was really cold but my photographer-husband thought my coat was too large and took away from the dress, therefore had me get rid of it just for the photoshoot. As always, the outfit details are below.





Phillip Lim Asian-Styled Dress: Target (last season) 

Knee-High Boots- Nine West

Leggings- JCPENNY 



Black Cross-Body Purse: Zara



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