Fear unfortunately can be a driving force for many of us. Often times, the fear that drives us becomes a norm to the point where we can’t even recognize it for what it is. Some may even argue that a little fear is healthy and motivating. Is there such a thing as healthy fear? I don’t know, and I don’t think so. However, the danger with fear is that when it paralyzes you, it keeps you from moving forward in your life. I’ve seen people lose out on opportunities, relationships, their dreams, etc because of fear. Fortunately for me, I’ve been able to pinpoint some areas where I’ve allowed fear to creep in and paralyze me from moving forward in the things I know I’m called to do in my life. I’ve tackled these fears one layer at a time. I have too many desires, dreams, and things to fulfill, I don’t have time to be fearful of the “what if’s” anymore,“aint nobody got time for that”.
Let me tell you, fear is a hater! Fear will tell you that you can’t do this or that. It will tell you that people will laugh at you or mock you. It will tell you that you are a failure. It will tell you that your idea will never work. It will tell you that you are a loser. It will tell you to not waste your time moving forward to bigger and better. Fear is a hater and a liar! But, guess what? There’s something on the other side of fear? It’s called Faith. Faith is believing regardless of what you see. Hoping for better even when things seems to fall apart. Knowing that it will be okay when all hell breaks loose.
My chic friends, listen, whatever genius plan you’ve been pondering on for a while, move forward and do it. That idea that’s been sitting in your brains, bring it forth. The nudge in your heart telling you to make the next steps in that business plan or career, go for it. Stop allowing fear to dictate your life! Remember, everything you want is on the other side of that fear! So conquer it! Happy Sunday!
Shades: YSL (Similar Shades)
Earrings: @shopfashionsaavy (Similar Earrings)
Dress: ASOS (Same Dress) (Similar Dress)
Shoes: Calvin Klein (Similar Heels)