Since the start of my Blessed and Chic LLC Blogging website and Blessed and Très Chic Consulting Company, many of you have either heard me say or coin this term“Fashion Yourself From The Inside Out” on several of my blogging posts or Instagram. Whether you’ve seen it on my picture hashtags or a recent articles, the question remains the same for some of you.

You’ve inquired about it and have requested me to explain it in details. What does Fashion Yourself From The Inside Out really mean? For the most part, it’s pretty much self-explanatory, however there’s so much more to it.

Being fashioned from the inside is not only our motto at Blessed and Chic LLC, it is how I inspire to live and hope to help others live by too. As I stated on numerous occasions, fashion is more than just your outer appearance. Fashion, among other things is a small representation of who you are and what’s going on from within. Many times, you’ll find that when someone is dealing with things internally, it tends to manifest itself outwardly.

I know this all too well because I’ve journeyed through the fashion wheel myself. For the most part, I’ve always had a keen sense of fashion, but didn’t really tap into it until the latter part of my college years. Prior to that I struggled to find my fashion-identity for so long because of what was going on with me internally. As a high-school student, the physical appearance of my weight was a huge problem for me. I had low self-esteem and didn’t see myself as a beautiful girl. As a result, I wore baggy clothes. I wanted to cover up my body to give the appearance that I wasn’t as thin as people may have perceived me to be.

Then as I entered College, I dropped the baggy clothes and started to embrace my new style. I began to wear styles outside the box even when people didn’t get it. This was around the time I decided to experiment with bold colors and prints that wasn’t necessarily popular or trendy for the time. The funny thing is, I remember a guy in my college class cracking jokes about what I wore with other people. It didn’t bother me much because I was actually okay with who I was at this time in my life.

Post College, I started my career in education and was making more money and could afford the nicer and more expensive clothing. I started to dress more professionally but began a habit of choosing the same “types” of clothing (if that makes any sense). I kept gravitating towards the same stores, style, prints, and materials. You ever hear someone say to you “Don’t you have something like that already in your closet?” Yep that was me, because it was my safe zone. It required little to no thought whatsoever…but that grew old rather quickly.

I began to evaluate my style and wanted to change it drastically. Ultimately, I did a fashion-inventory for myself. I wrote down the changes I wanted. However before anything could transpire, God needed to deal with me internally. This is when I Martine was fashioned from the inside out. See, I don’t only talk about it, I actually walked through it, lived it, and now can be transparent and share it with you today.

We all have a sense of fashion! Fashion is the artistic way of expressing our own personal styles. We are walking and breathing art pieces. Our fashion and sense of style tells a story to those that are viewing it. What’s your story? What are you portraying? Do your struggle with frumpiness? Do you care? Do you like prints or solid color clothing? Are you a minimalist or perhaps you tend to gravitate towards dark-colored clothing pieces? Maybe you like to wear your clothes too big or too small. Do you dress age appropriately or are you still stuck in a long-gone fashion era? All of these things to some degree says a lot about who you are and where you are. Being fashioned from within begins with you!

As a consultant, I’m not just in the business of styling clients for sake of it. Rather, I aim to understand the person as an individual and navigate from there. I start by searching thoughts, ideas, views, and their self perceptions. Once I’m able to understand what’s going on overall, it helps me to tune in and fashion them the best way.

Fashion Yourself From The Inside Out means wholeness, fulfillment, peace, and assurance about yourself. We are constantly being fashioned internally as well as outwardly. I truly believe that it’s an ongoing process. As it goes, remember to Fashion Yourself From The Inside Out. In the meantime, allow me to fashion you!



Pencil Skirt: Sherie L. Nevett

Gingham Peplum Top (Partially seen): Zara

Tribal Sandals: Fa’Brik Boutique  

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