“Pssss, hey you! Yes you! Can you keep a secret? You promise?” Okay…So…I have a confession to make! I may have some sort of addiction for shoes. Even more, I think It may be a crazy obsession with shoes! Okay, okay, maybe the word crazy-addiction-and-obsession can be a bit much to describe my love of shoes. However, I’d like to think of myself a shoe connoisseur. For the most part, I can spot a well made pair of heels anywhere. In some cases, I can even identify the designer off the bat.

I really like shoes Y’all! And, it’s not just any type of shoe. No, no, no! It has to be the fanciest, cutest, and unfortunately sometimes the priciest (on sale) shoe on the block. I really can’t tell you when it began or why. I guess I’ve always had a thing for shoes. Although I own quite a collection of my own, I do ensure that I purchase shoes on MY budget. I love shoes, but honey not to the point of maxing out my bank account. You’ll find me sprinting towards the closest sales rack before making a high-priced purchase…unless…it’s absolutely necessary, and that happens every once to never-year! If it’s not a good sale, chances are I’ll respectfully decline the urge to buy.

As a shoe and heel lover, I’ve grown to appreciate a few designers and their work over the years. These designers are extremely talented and innovative. They are constantly pushing the envelope in designing the most stylish yet presentable shoes out there. From trending with the times to being timeless, they’ve definitely shown that the right pair of shoes will make your entire outfit stand out. Here a few of my favorite shoes and designers listed below.

Remember it’s my secret, don’t tell anyone 😉 I’d like to hear from you. Who’s your favorite shoe designer? What’s your favorite type of heel?

The designers I’ve listed are high-end designers, however they do have reasonable priced shoes that you can find on sale or consignment.


Schutz Shoes


Christian Valentino


Christian Louboutin


Sophia Webster

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