Two Saturday’s ago I was roaming through the Georgia World Congress Center going from vendor-to-vendor for Bronner Brothers’ International Beauty Show. It was definitely a sight to see and an experience to remember. I have to be honest with you all, this was my first time attending the Bronner Brothers Show. I didn’t realize how big this show was in Atlanta. You have to understand, The Bronner Brothers’ Show is like the Grammy’s of all Grammys for those in the hair and beauty industry. This is where all the beauty gurus can showcase their talents, network and connect with other artists, barter, and purchase supplies at a reasonable fair market price. The show was a three day event that happens twice a year. Once in February and again in August.

If you’re someone looking to advance your knowledge in the beauty and hair business or you’re just curious like me, this is a great opportunity to be apart of. You really get to see first hand the passion that comes from those in this profession. With over thousands of vendors, patrons, teaching workshops, hair shows & competitions, reasonable priced items for purchase, and the very flamboyant and attention-grabbing hairstyles, it was overwhelmingly amazing. Every inch of the convention center was filled to capacity. On top of that, there was a myriad of guest celebrities in attendance as well as a prayer room for anyone seeking a prayer or two.

The Bronner Brothers Show provided diversity and connections across the beauty industry. I had an amazing time and learned so much about the work that goes into launching a beauty business. Many times people can undermine those in the hair or beauty industry or show a lack of respect because there’s an assumption that it’s not a notable industry. That’s completely wrong! Launching a business and maintaining it, takes lot of work and money. Ensuring that your customers are satisfied and that you provide quality service means having to constantly take classes or attend events like these to stay ahead of the game. While I’m not in the hair and beauty industry I have so much respect for the men and women that are.

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