It’s easy to get caught up. It is inevitable that in this life you’ll face some sort of mishap. Often times, these are the very things that tend to weigh heavily on your spirit. When this happens, it’s easy to resort to negative thoughts. Be careful when you do that! What you profess or entertain has the potentional of becoming a reality. We all face days like these from time-to-time. However, it’s not okay to stay there. One of the many ways I combat negative declarations and thoughts is to remind myself that my day will be a good day no matter what may arise; along with an added prayer or two. Good declarations and pronouncements can shift your mindset and attitude. Speak great things! Believe it! Declare it and speak it. ” I am blessed. I am joyful. I have peace.” With all the negativity in this World, please don’t get caught up. I know it’s easier said then done, but believe me, start speaking life into your situation and turn your day around. Choose everyday to have a good day!



Black Sheepskin Leather Jacket: Lookbookstore.com

Houndstooth Patterned Knitted Sweater: (I can’t remember the name of the store. I purchased it in Philly at the King Of Prussia Mall) 

Black Silk Blouse: (This blouse was purchased at the mall in Milan, Italy. I can’t remember the name of the store either…sorry guys)

Ripped Denim Jeans: Guess Jeans 

Black Ankle Booties: H&M


Black Scarf: Forever 21

Earrings: Charming Charlies

Beenie: Forever21 

White Bucket Sling Purse: Saks Off Fifth Ave (Sold out) Similar Bags

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