Blogging ain’t easy, but someone has to do it! Today was nothing short of my typical ripping and running through traffic trying to meet my own schedule per usual. On top of that, add the unexpected forecast that called for sunshine when it actually rained. Despite that, onward we go to complete this mission called fashion blogging.

When people see the flawless photos, seemingly poses, and curated images, they have no idea of the work which takes place behind the scenes. Early tiring mornings of prepping, to last minute changes..and believe me, it happens quite often.

Today was no different! For the shoot, we had multiple looks that were pre-planned, however a little rain did dampen our location so we had to make last minute changes. We had to do what we had to do. It’s no biggie, I guess you just roll with the punches and make do with this beautiful chaos.

Just a word of advice for those seeking to become a blogger of any sort, understand that it takes A LOT of work and it isn’t all glamorous. There will be moments of frustrations, mishaps, and any other randomness to occur. Don’t get me wrong, it is rewarding! When you put your heart into your craft it is rewarding.





















































OUTFIT DETAILS: Coat: H&MFeather Fringe Pants: ZARA (Italy)Fringe Shirt: @FlybehaviorPatent Leather Bootie: ZARA
Photographer: Akomi Photos

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