(picture taken by Marc B Photography Rome, Italy)

2017 was quite the ride LOL!!!

“This was such an odd year…no pun intended. For the most part it was a year of growth, awakening, excitement, travels, and challenges. I could go on and on but, I’ll sum it up to to say here are my takeaways from 2017.”

  1. It’s not what people say about you, it’s what you answer to.
  2. Don’t force anything! Not friendships, relationship, or situations, let it happen naturally.
  3. Listen to God! He is always right.
  4. Love those that genuinely love you back. Love those that don’t love you back too.
  5. Protect your peace…at all cost!
  6. Forgive always, and love certain folks from a distance, it’s not worth holding grudges or worth your peace.
  7. Even if or when someone lies about you, spread rumors, or slander you, stay true to yourself, don’t entertain it. Keep it moving, Keep it cute.
  8. Live your life and be content with what you have in the seasons you’re in.
  9. Invest and sow into YOURSELF before others can invest and sow into you.
  10. Have the vision, write the plan, set the goals, pray over it, and execute.

How was you 2017? What were you takeaways? What will you leave in 2017? What will you take in 2018?

Click the link and check out my 2017: 


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